ACR – Associació Catalana de Ràdio
Region: Spain
The ACR aims to promote and develop commercial private broadcasting in Catalonia, in a changing technological, legal and economic environment, as well as the defense of the exercise of freedom of expression in the radio medium
Website: https://acradio.org/

AERC - The Spanish Association of Commercial Broadcasting
Region: Spain
The Spanish Association of Commercial Radio Broadcasting-AERC was founded in 1960. represents almost 100% of the commercially financed and privately owned radio stations in Spain.
AERC also keeps a watch on the market’s regulations and conditions, dealing with issues such as concentration, pluralism and transparency in radio ownership, and is in charge of the relations with the Spanish Telecommunications authorities, as well as the international relations of Spanish broadcasters. Besides, AERC is also involved in the promotion and the implementation of new radio technologies, such as DAB.
Website: https://www.aereurope.org/aerc/

ARIC - Associação de Rádios
Region: Portugal
ARIC – Associação de Rádios, was formed on May 1, 1991, with the aim of defending the interests of its members, which at that time included thirty-one stations, including Rádio Renascença and its Regional Voices. There are currently more than 50 members associated with ARIC, dispersed throughout Continental Portugal, the Azores and Madeira. Partners from all types of radio station are associated with Aric, radios with national and local coverage, for linear and web radio. In terms of representation and audiences, the entire country is covered by the areas of influence of ARIC’s associated radios.
Website: https://www.aric.pt/

Audify (former RAB)
Region: The Netherlands
Audify is the marketing organization that is committed to more and better use of sound in commercial communication. Audify represents all leading audio makers and its sales houses. Audify is also participates in the NLO (the National Listening Survey).
Website: https://audify.nl/

Bureau de la Radio
Region: France
Le Bureau de la Radio is an association founded by the four Presidents of the large groups of private commercial radio stations in April 2009. Its mission is to represent the interests of the radio sector. Currently, BDR members represent 47% of the total radio audience and 3/4 of the private advertising market in France.
Website: https://www.bureaudelaradio.fr/

Commercial Radio
Region: Australia
Commercial Radio Australia Ltd (CRA) is the peak industry body representing the interests of commercial radio broadcasters throughout Australia. CRA pursues a range of issues on behalf of its member stations. CRA staff specialise in areas such as regulatory and legislative matters; industrial relations; human resources; marketing; events management; advertising advice; audience measurement surveys and research; and DAB+ digital radio.
Website: http://www.commercialradio.com.au/

egta – association of television and radio sales houses
Region: Worldwide
egta is the international trade body of multiplatform TV and audio businesses. We represent more than 180 members in over 40 markets. egta’s mission is to contribute to the commercial sustainability of the media industry. egta enables its members to flourish as they connect brands with audiences. Through its unique network of experts, it fosters collaboration and engage with policy makers. It drives the industry forward through cooperation, benchmarking and alignment on standards. egta is a knowledge-sharing and innovation hub for its members and the broader industry.
Website: https://www.egta.com/

FCP – Assoradio
Region: Italy
FCP-Assoradio groups together the main companies, both concessionaires and direct managers, operating in the sale of advertising space on the various national and local radio frequencies. Through its dedicated observatory, it provides monthly data on advertising sales in the radio sector. Radio has a long tradition of providing both entertainment and advertising messages.
Website: https://www.fcponline.it/

NAB – National Association of Broadcasters
Region: South Africa
The NAB aims to foster a sustainable and robust broadcasting system in South Africa. Funded entirely by its members, it represents over 80 members, comprising all three tiers of regulated broadcasters (public, private and community), as well as signal providers and industry associates. It engages with policy makers on behalf of members in order to promote an industry grounded in the principles of democracy, diversity and freedom of expression.
Website: https://www.nab.org.za/

RAB – Radio Advertising Bureau
Region: US
The Radio Advertising Bureau serves more than 6,000 members Radio stations in the U.S. and over 1,000 member networks, representative firms, broadcast vendors, and international organizations. RAB leads and participates in educational, research, sales, and advocacy. The Radio Advertising Bureau is the not-for-profit trade association representing America’s broadcast Radio industry. Its primary objective is to drive revenue growth through advocacy, providing the tools and resources to help the industry attract new sales talent to the medium and enhance industry professionalism through training and support.
Website: http://www.rab.com/

Radiocentre Ireland
Region: Ireland
Radiocentre Ireland represents all radio operators in the Republic of Ireland. Mission statement is champion the growth of audio’s share of the total advertising market, enabling members to grow revenue and continue to successfully build their brands.
Website: https://www.radiocentreireland.ie/

Region: UK
Radiocentre is the industry body for commercial radio. We work on behalf of over 40 stakeholders who operate over 300 licensed radio stations across the UK and represent 90% of commercial radio in terms of listening and revenue. We perform three main functions on behalf of our members: advertising, policy and clearance.
Website: https://www.radiocentre.org/

Radio Connects
Region: Canada
Radio Connects is the not-for-profit trade associate for the Canadian Radio Industry. With a mandate to inform and educate the advertising and marketing community, Radio Connects leads open and continuous dialogue about the extraordinary effectiveness of radio. Using research and consumer insights, we help advertisers rediscover the power of AM/FM Radio to connect with Canadian consumers.
Website: https://radioconnects.ca/

Region: Finland
RadioMedia is an umbrella organisation for private radio stations in Finland. It represents both Finnish national and local private radio stations.
Website: https://radiomedia.fi/

Radio Zentrale GmbH
Region: Germany
Radiozentrale is the umbrella organisation for advertising on both public radio stations and private commercial radio stations in Germany.
Website: https://www.radiozentrale.de/

Region: France
SIRTI brings together 176 private radios – local, regional or thematic in France. The SIRTI radio stations reach more than 8 million listeners every day, employ one third of the professional radio industry’s salaried staff and generate a quarter of the radio sector’s advertising revenue. SIRTI represents the interests of the private radios to the government, the parliament, the ARCOM (the national regulatory authority for broadcasting), etc.
Website: http://sirti.info/

TRB – The Radio Bureau
Region: New Zealand
The Radio Bureau is a single source for radio advertising, helping media agencies to navigate the New Zealand audio landscape, including over 300 radio stations. TRB’s planning experts provide agencies with unbiased advice on how to maximise the performance of their radio campaigns. Further, TRB promotes the medium of radio via research and marketing highlighting the effectiveness of radio.
Website: https://www.trb.co.nz/

VIA – Association of AV Media
Region: Belgium
VIA is the industry body for commercial radio (and TV). The organisation operates on behalf of over 5 stakeholders who operate over 45 licensed radio stations across Belgium and represent 90% of commercial radio in terms of listening and revenue. Its activities cover four main areas: lobbying, representation in the JIC, radio promotion and development as a medium.
Website: https://thinkvia.be/en/

VÖP – Verband Österreichischer Privatsender (Association of Austrian Commercial Broadcasters)
Region: Austria
VÖP represents all major commercial TV and radio broadcasters in Austria. Its main focus is strengthening a dual broadcasting market with fair competition and equal opportunities for both commercial and public media companies. VÖP also acts as partner of regulatory of other institutional authorities, the government, political parties and other associations.
Website: https://www.voep.at/
The WRA initiative is also supported by a number of external organisations

AER - Association of European Radios
Region: Pan-European
The AER is the Europe-wide trade body for commercial radio, representing the interests of over 5,000 commercial radio stations to the EU Institutions. AER promotes the development of European commercially funded radio broadcasting, by ensuring a fair and sustainable economic framework for radio to thrive in. Furthermore, AER intends to promote the diffusion and the use of new technologies in radio transmission. AER encourages co-operation between its members and with other European radio stations and associations, in order to preserve and develop freedom of speech, freedom of enterprise, private initiative and the protection of listeners.
Website: https://www.aereurope.org/

BNNRC – Network for Radio and Communication
Region: Bangladesh
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication represents the radio, community radio and community media sector to Government, Industry, Regulatory Bodies, Media and Development Partners. BNNRC’s Mission is to enable a media literate, informed and participative society so that the underserved societies can shape their lives and livelihoods through the following: fostering public debate, media pluralism and democracy using the power of information and communication, amplifying the voices of vulnerable, marginalized and excluded people in development debates, working with media and other information stakeholders to support people and communities to bring about positive changes in their lives and livelihoods
Website: https://www.bnnrc.net
Become a member
- Members are all professional trade associations focused on the promotion of Radio and Radio advertising – unless they are from a territory that doesn’t have a Radio trade association.
- Group members are invited to regularly join group meetings, to make sure a quality dialogue is established between the contributors to the group.
- Group members are committed to support the group whenever needed by spontaneously volunteering facts and figures for their country/region for any PR, chart, data collection, or initiative that the group has decided to undertake.
- The adhesion functions based on good faith, good will, trust and pro-active help. There is no membership fee per se, although the group could decide at one stage to co-finance projects, with decisions to be made on a case-by-case basis.
- All members have at heart the greater good of the total Radio industry. The associations whose focus is more specific than “the total Radio industry” need to commit to the fact that they will never use the group – nor any material made available by the group – to the benefit of their own message against another association, or group of broadcasters. Our message needs to be positive and come across as united at all times.