WRA Charter
The “World Radio Alliance” is a worldwide group of trade bodies representing radio companies and sales houses, whose joint objective is to demonstrate and promote widely the power and the value of radio/audio in a fast-changing media and advertising landscape by:
» raising the profile of radio/audio on the market;
» aligning how we speak about radio/audio with a unified voice and narrative;
» sharing best practice among the members: research, case studies, articles, communication formats, events and speakers’ recommendations, etc.
Get in touch
To contact our team please visit egta website and fill in the contact form.
» Members are all professional trade associations focused on the promotion of Radio and Radio advertising – unless they are from a territory that doesn’t have a Radio trade association.
» Group members are invited to regularly join group meetings, to make sure a quality dialogue is established between the contributors to the group.
» Group members are committed to support the group whenever needed by spontaneously volunteering facts and figures for their country/region for any PR, chart, data collection, or initiative that the group has decided to undertake.
» The adhesion functions based on good faith, good will, trust and pro-active help. There is no membership fee per se, although the group could decide at one stage to co-finance projects, with decisions to be made on a case-by-case basis.
» Members all have at heart the greater good of the total Radio industry. The associations whose focus is more specific than “the total Radio industry” need to commit to the fact that they will never use the group – nor any material made available by the group – to the benefit of their own message against another association, or group of broadcasters. Our message needs to be positive and come across as united at all times.